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Meet Me

Raised in the nearly Canadian state of Michigan, my accent is half Canadian, half Midwestern, with a dash of Southern phrases thrown in for good measure. I have lived a thousand years in my three plus decades and seen both the depths and heights of humanity. I fell in love at nineteen with a skater punk wearing jeans that made my mother blush and my father question my life choices. I make good choices. The skater punk turned out to be the best one ever. He proposed nine months later, married me and we made babies, lived off of frozen ravioli, finished college and grad school. He's moved on to a Ripstik and still makes my heart flutter. We threw ourselves head first into the world of special needs when we adopted three of our kiddos from China. Between all of our kids we have an enormous amount of special needs represented here in our chaotic home. 

I love people. They are amazing, capable of changing the course of history, resilient, unchangeable, unique and quirky. I see God shining through people, their creativity reflecting His, their uniqueness reflecting His many traits. I believe people are complex, capable of great goodness and alternately capable of horrific crimes. At the end of the day, I believe God is greater and His goodness binds me to Him each and every single day. Therefore, life is full of goodness, and people are created to be good. 

Jesus. He is everything. And while I am learning to leave so many past false teachings behind, I am clinging to His goodness. He is good and kind and the Son of the God who made these crazy humans. 

Hang on as we journey through this road. It's bumpy and I'm learning as I go. But let's change the world as we live, huh? Let's bring down the forms of injustice, fight for the oppressed, hate discrimination and love more and more and more. Let's still believe in goodness, Jesus and love. 

All my love and deepest blessings,



  1. Hello, new friend. My son didn't speak until he was almost four. Water was "ah" and so on. My business partner Jen and I run a website and would like to feature a post of yours that you're particularly proud of and want more eyes on. The site is and gets some really great views. If you're interested, please email us at Best to you and yours.

    1. Sure! Shoot me an email to and we can figure out how to work on this together. Thanks so much for asking.


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