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Showing posts from December, 2015

The Ugly D Word, Disruption

I have worked this over and over and over and one more time over again in my head. Still, I feel there is no easy way to write about this subject. If ever there was a hot spot in the adoption world it will come when you hear the word, "disruption." Hello Trolls, I'm glad you found me today. I figured that word would bring you to me here. I'm going to put my heart out here for you on this. Most of you know my story. If you are new, the short version is that almost three years ago we entered adoption with the adoption of our son, almost a year ago I headed to China to bring home our two daughters. Blind, they were blind and as far as I knew, a little delayed from institutionalization. Daughter one was placed in my arms and she surpassed my expectations while still being very fragile and very delayed and needy. Daughter two came one week later and my precious, longed for daughter who walked in videos and had language skills, slumped into my arms and growled. I chose ...

His Illogical Faithfulness

He is faithful and He always has been.  When the third child comes into our bedroom at night, He is faithful. When my son's friend dies without ever knowing a mom or a dad and my heart shatters, He is faithful. When I stroke the scars of a child who is my own and  am wrecked with the irrational guilt that I should  have been there, He is faithful. He is faithful when I let go of His hand. When I doubt His goodness, when I scream at Him for this desert, when I beg for respite, and when I throw a tantrum when respite never comes, He is faithful. When I can't stop the anxiety, the panic,  He is faithful.  When the screaming begins anew and I am surviving just one minute  at a time,  He is faithful. When I ache over the aging out child whom nobody would claim,  and am angry with all of His children,  He is faithful. When I find hidden food in the crevices of beds, He is faithful. When I liv...