When I wrote my post on Loving a Child Who Cannot Speak I had just exited a really, truly traumatizing week of placing our daughter in a local Kindergarten class and when I need to vent and process I write. So, I wrote. And maybe it was because the new tv show Speechless landed on the same week. I don't know. But the post blew up. Ya'll I'm just a regular, every day person, introverted and content in my little life. So when I checked my post stats, which I rarely even do, I ran down to my husband and said "I'm bad at math. Is this really saying over 400,000 views? Maybe Blogger messed up its stats." And then I went... "Wait. People read my story? People outside of my little adoption community? Crap. Now everyone knows my struggles. Did someone comment 'Blimey'? They're not from the U.S! What have I done???" It's all good. I ended up laughing and answering over one hundred comments and emails and feeling a w...
I believe in a better world. I believe that inclusivity makes us whole and I believe in a God who made us diverse for a purpose.